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Acta Natura et Scientia

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About Journal

Acta Natura et Scientia

e-ISSN: 2718-0638

Acta Natura et Scientia is open access and international peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes high-quality papers in all aspects of nature and science throughout the world.

The publication languages of the journal are English and Turkish.

The journal accepts Original Research Paper, Short Communication, Review, Case Report in all aspects of nature and science.

The journal publishes 2 issues per year in June and December.

The double-blind peer-review process is maintained during the review processes.

Acta Natura et Scientia puts the science first, then later formatting by format-free submission policy.

Manuscripts must be submitted to the journal in electronic version only via the online submission system. If you encounter a problem during the submission, please contact us.

